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5 Ways to Maintain a Positive Mood at Work

10 August 2022

Maintaining a positive mood at work isn’t always easy. From having too many meetings during the day, to dealing with bad handwriting on a report, to hearing the irritating jokes of a co-worker, to dealing with a difficult customer, there are a million things that can negatively affect your mood at work.

Maintaining a positive mood at work can be a struggle. Don’t let negative co-workers or negative situations impede your productivity or performance. A positive work environment can improve employee performance and focus, as well as cultivate a culture of wellness within your business. Here are 5 tips for maintaining a positive mood at work.

1. Get enough sleep

Get enough sleep to feel alert and energised when you wake up in the morning. Research shows that people who get between 7-9 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period are less likely to become frustrated or depressed. The Sleep Charity recommends that adults get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, there are some helpful tips below that can help you fall asleep faster. There are also a few things that you can avoid doing before bedtime to make it easier for you to fall asleep.

a. Practice relaxation techniques

It’s important to practise relaxation techniques throughout the day if you are going to maintain a positive mood at work. When your mind is relaxed, you will think more clearly and focus more easily on the task at hand, bringing fewer problems with handling your work duties and improving your overall performance.

b. Eat foods that help you sleep

Foods that have a sedative effect on the body can help you fall asleep easier, such as hot (non-caffeinated) teas. Try to avoid eating more than three hours before bedtime and try to have a light meal at night instead of a heavy, rich meal. It’s also helpful to avoid drinking alcohol, as it will make it more difficult to fall asleep. It’s not recommended to drink a large amount of coffee throughout the day either.

c. Set a routine for when you will get up and go to bed each day.

Falling asleep and waking up at the same time each day is important for your body's circadian rhythm. Staying consistent with your wake up and sleep schedule will help regulate your mood, energy level, and overall health.

2. Exercise

Regular exercise is important for maintaining a positive mood at work as it helps boost your mood and improve your health. Exercise can reduce stress and anxiety, lower the risk of depression, promote brain health and improve sleep. Exercise also releases endorphins, your body’s “feel good” chemicals.

Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated or tiring either. If you work from home, there are many simple exercises you can do around your house while remaining productive. For example:

· Take a walk outside for 5-10 minutes every hour

· Do some lunges or squats while you take a tea break

· Invest in a desk bike to ride while you work on your computer

· Do some push-ups, sit-ups or planks while watching your favourite television show

· Clean the house while blasting your favourite music

3. Build social support

Ask for help when you need it! Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. It shows that you are confident in your abilities and can accept criticism, especially when it comes from someone who usually has your best interest at heart…. your boss! A study from the Harvard School of Public Health showed that employees who were more confident and less afraid to ask for help were less likely to develop depression than those who were less confident.

4. Build a healthy work environment

The workplace is where you spend most of your waking hours, so it’s important that your work environment supports good health habits. These habits can include good lighting, investing in ergonomic furniture, or downloading productivity software and devices in order to stay focused and be able to multi-task while at work!

Keep a clean desk regularly and make it a habit to clear your desk at the end of each day. A study showed that people who kept their desks relatively uncluttered or clean could stay focused and mentally alert in the classroom setting.

5. Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself means that you have to listen to your body and take time for yourself. Make time for the things that bring you joy, whether it's going for a movie or book date with your significant other, volunteering in your community, or going out on a date with friends. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety and don't know what else to do, talk to someone about it. You can also make an appointment with a therapist/counsellor who can help guide you through some of the difficult times in your life.

You are more likely to have a positive mood if you have a new habit of practicing positive self-talk, such as "Everything is going to be okay", "I can do this", "I am great at what I do". Studies have shown that these types of positive affirmations are like having a personal coach to boost your self-esteem.

To wrap it all up

Sometimes, trying to stay positive can feel impossible. But if you can remain positive, it’s more than possible to build and maintain a positive work culture. Don’t be afraid of asking for help from co-workers. Or, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your job, take a break from your work and take a walk around the block to clear your head. You can do this!