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3 Reasons Why You Need to Get a Fitness Chair

27 May 2021

Physical fitness has always been a cause of great concern for working professionals who barely have the time to breathe, let alone exercise.

While there are several benefits to exercising regularly, the concept is still lost on quite a few of us. Because there are so many things already on our respective plates, some of us don’t know how to distribute our time and energy effectively to lead well-rounded lives.

This is precisely the reason why exercise takes a backseat when it comes to our daily activities. In no way are we justifying or condoning the act or lack thereof; we’re simply stating that other things seem to take precedence over our physical health.

If you belong to this group of people, it will serve you well to remind yourself time and again just how integral a role exercise plays. Forgive us for being crass. Just looking at those jiggly arms and legs of yours should be more than enough reason to kick-start you into action.

Fitness Chairs

Fitness chairs also called office exercise chairs, are the best for those among us who are stretched way too thin. If you don’t have enough time to head to the gym, exercise from the comfort of your own home. To the slackers: fitness chairs are the end to your tirade of excuses not to work those muscles.

If you do nothing but sit all day, fitness chairs could soon become your new best friend cum fitness buddy. While there are many in the market, one fitness chair stands out from the rest.

Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair

If you often wonder what you can do to exercise at work, look no further than the indomitable Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the incomparable features of the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair!

Built for Work and Exercise

The perfect fitness chair is ideal for work and exercise at the same time. You might think this is a tall order, but Flexispot has gone all out with the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair. 

Who wouldn’t like the option of having an office chair that doubles as an exercise companion? Not us!

Streamlined Body

With a streamlined body designed for comfort, the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair is not going to put unnecessary pressure on your back, shoulders, or legs. 

Many fitness chairs in the market are bulky and take up a lot of space, but not the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair. This chair is sleek, contemporary, and has an understated yet chic appearance.

Unlike the black, boring, and boxy designs that currently saturate the fitness chairs market, Flexispot has hit it out of the park with one.

Adjustable Height

You can easily switch between work and exercise by simply using the one-touch lever. The beauty of this feature is that you can manipulate it even while seated, making for a truly seamless experience as promised.

Durable Caster Wheels

Speaking of seamless design, the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair ticks all the boxes sans exaggeration. The durable caster wheels of the chair are noiseless and smooth, which means you can wheel the chair from room to room without the annoying squeaks and rolling characteristic of regular office chairs.

Comfortable Pedals

Because the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair pedals are soft and comfortable, exercise feels like a breeze.

Better Posture

Fact: your office chair is hurting you. Don’t believe us? Then why do your shoulders, neck, and back hurt? 

Remember, the truth shall set you free. Yes, especially if that truth is a chair that is currently restraining you and making you sink deeper and deeper into a seemingly unending abyss.

It’s time to get rid of the shackles of your regular office chair and come on over to the comfortable side.

As evidenced up to this point, the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair has all the qualities you’re looking for in your self-proclaimed throne. If you’re wondering how to improve your posture with the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair, all we have to say is it requires zero effort from you.

Yes, you heard right.

Because the chair has been designed in such a way, all you have to do is sit pretty and let your body relax into its curvature. You could say that the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair will improve your posture by design.

Improved Productivity

This chair is set to boost your productivity levels. Owing to its ergonomic design, the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair addresses one of the significant problems that come with leading a sedentary life. If you haven’t guessed already, we’re talking about a lack of concentration.

Prolonged sitting can lead to sinking deep into one’s thoughts. Understandably, this can be not easy to pull yourself out from. With the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair, however, your productivity levels will be at an all-time high.

You can cycle using the pedals that are not only ultra-comfortable, but they also don’t make any noise whatsoever! This is especially helpful if you share a workspace with other people or work from home and don’t want to bother your kids or partner.

Additionally, the pedaling also keeps both your mind and body engaged. How does a simple action such as pedaling guarantee better focus? The reason is that when we are involved in physical activity, our body releases endorphins which make us feel energized. Endorphins also help sharpen the mind, leaving us better equipped to manage work-related activities better.

Fitness Chair Exercises

Exercise while sitting. That’s a sentence we never thought we’d hear! 

To demonstrate the multi-functional aspect of the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair, here are some exercises that can be done to get into shape. And no, you don’t have to stand up for any of them. We’re all about encouragement and self-love, so be sure to get up and pat yourself on that pain-free back of yours!

Lift and Twist

Start by sitting with your back straight on the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair. Don’t lean back into the chair. Instead, sit comfortably on the chair’s edge.

Push your left leg, extending it out as much as possible. Make sure your foot is flat on the ground. Keep your arms in a criss-cross position across the chest.

Next, clench the abdominal muscles. Turn your abdomen to the left while lifting the left leg and bringing it up to level with the right knee. Bring your knees together as you breathe out.

Start over as you breathe in. Do the same with the right leg.

Chest and Toe Presses

With a straightened back on the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair, join the palms together. Keep pressing as much as possible without feeling uncomfortable.

Continuing this pressure, extend both arms out. As you do so, bring your toes to a tiptoe position to feel the calves contracting.

Next, pull your arms in and set your feet flat on the floor. Make sure not to separate the palms.


Jumping Jacks

Again, begin with a straight back. Make sure your knees are bent and joined as you sit on the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair. Your toes should be in contact with the ground.

Bend your elbows and widen your arms so that the palms are facing outward. 

Open your legs wide, flex your feet, and make sure they’re flat on the ground. Then extend your arms over your head.

Keep repeating.

Toe Stretch

While seated at the edge of the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair, bend forwards and touch each foot (toes).

When touching the toes of your right foot, retract the left leg and vice versa. Also, make sure you’re feeling the toes on the left with your right hand and vice versa.

The Switch

While seated on the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair, bend your left knee and extend it on the same side.

Then push out the right leg straight to the side as well, making sure your toes are pointing out.

Stretch out both arms directly in front. Bend a couple of degrees forward.

Touch your left foot with the right arm while stretching the left arm over and behind. This will cause your torso to twist by default.

Do the same on the other side.

In Conclusion

By now, we’re sure you’re more than aware of the importance a good chair can have on your health. You no longer have to be on the fence about which chair to bring home to complete your home office. By purchasing the Sit2Go 2-in-1 Fitness Chair, you will get a new lease on a life of wellness!