15 Ways to Relieve Foot Pain

27 May 2021

Your feet need attention. They get tired of carrying you around all day. It could be a long day at work or those new heels that you're trying to break into. Either way, foot pain can be a nightmare. 

Here are fifteen ways through which you can relieve foot pain:

Understand Your Feet 

Not everyone has the same type of foot, which is why you must understand your foot type. Your feet could be big or small, narrow or wide, or have high or low arches. Understanding your foot type can help you purchase more brilliant footwear that can essentially help you walk better. If you were to buy shoes meant for a foot with high arches, it could lead to an unpleasant experience if you have feet with low angles. 

Get a Massage

A good massage treatment from a licensed massage therapist never did anyone any harm. Professional massages can do wonders for your feet and give you a relaxing experience. Even though it seems highly luxurious, a foot massage can be considered necessary, especially if you're on your feet all day. Massage therapists know what feet tissues to target to make you reach cloud nine.  

Correct Your Posture

If your body posture is out of balance, it means that the pressure of your body is distributed unevenly on your hips, knees, and feet. The uneven distribution can lead to pain and fatigue, especially if you are running, walking, or standing for long periods. 

Modify Your Workstation 

If you are working from home or at the office, you must know how to adjust your workstation. There are numerous ramifications for sitting in an office chair that doesn't cater to your body type or a desk that might be too high or low for you. 

Furniture fails like these lead to increased pressure on your back and feet, which is the number one source of constant bodily pain. Hence, ensure that your workstation is adjusted to your needs effectively. 

Get Adjustable Furniture

Invest in an excellent adjustable desk that can help you feel better during work hours and boost your productivity. The Classic Standing Desk by FlexiSpot is a perfect choice not only because of its adjustable feature but because of its other benefits as well. 

This best-selling model is available in both rectangle and curved tops, which makes it suitable for anyone. However, one of the reasons you need a standing desk in your office is that you can adjust its height with its electrical control system and choose to work while sitting or standing up. This way, your desk can match your preferences all the time without you have to be bent over in uncomfortable positions.

You Don't Need to Wear Heels Every Day. 

Heels can indeed exhibit a very professional boss lady image, but at the same time, they aren't perfect for your feet. Heels with pointy ends and high arches are the worst because your feet lack the necessary support it needs the entire time you are walking. Heels can lead to significant foot pain, especially if you wear them daily. Try switching them out with flats or wedges a few days a week to balance fashion and comfort. 

Exercise Your Feet 

You might wonder what you can do to exercise at work since you might not get any time away from your desk. However, several exercises can help you relieve foot pain while you're working. 

The Toe Flex

Point your toes outward and inward for around 10 seconds each. Exercising your toes can release the stress locked up in your feet and make you feel relaxed. Try to incorporate flexing your toes after a few intervals throughout the day. Once you get into the habit, you won't even know you're doing it. 

Calf Stretching 

Tight calf muscles can cause a lot of foot pain, which is why it is important to stretch them out. The easiest way to stretch a calf muscle is to bend your knee forward and straighten your leg while the heel is touching the ground as much as possible. This will help you release tension from within your calf muscles and make your foot feel relaxed.

Invest in a Resistance Band 

You can use a resistance band or even a scarf and wrap it around the balls of your feet. Pull the bar towards your shin until you stretch. Carry it out for at least a few seconds till the relaxation begins to kick in. You can either do this with both your feet together and with one foot after the other. 

Frozen Bottle Roll 

Keep a bottle of frozen water in your fridge at work and roll your feet over it while sitting at your desk to decrease inflammation in the tissues of your feet. The cold compress helps with the heel burn and makes your feet feel calm and relaxed.

Use Your Toes as Fingers

An excellent exercise for your feet is to pick up objects from the floor with your toes. Put out a pen on the floor in front of you and try picking it up with your toes bringing it towards yourself. This can help you exercise your foot and your entire leg by stretching out all the joints. 

There are several health issues associated with physical inactivity at work. This is why you should do your best to incorporate at least some of these exercises in your daily work routine, even if you are working from home. 

Get an Ergonomic Fatigue Mat 

An Ergonomic Fatigue Mat has a cushioned layer of support that can help distribute your body weight evenly. Using an ergonomic fatigue mat while standing can reduce fatigue and stress in your feet. Whether it's kitchen work or standing in the office, the science behind anti-fatigue mats is that they can minimize foot sores and aches through moldable ergonomic material. 

Invest in a Foot Hammock

The Foot Hammock is another revolutionary product that can help you make your work a little more relaxing. It allows you to put your feet up under your desk that supports your lower back muscles, thighs, and calves. Its primary purpose is to improve blood circulation and prevent swelling in your feet. 

The product itself is adjustable to suit your height, which helps provide comfort for your feet on a busy day. Putting your feet up at work can be an enjoyable experience, especially when no one can tell. 

Foot Masks and Soaks

Products targeted for foot repair and pain relief can help you feel relaxed whenever you indulge in them. Look for peppermint oil or organic mustard products as they work best in keeping swelling and inflammation at bay. Foot soaks and masks can help increase blood circulation so that the lactic acid buildup within the muscles can be drained. Usually, a foot mask or a foot soak would take 20 minutes to half an hour which isn't a lot to spare for foot pain relief.

Don't Go Running Without Socks. 

You are wearing socks while running absorbs sweat and prevents blisters in your skin. If you choose not to wear socks while running, the shoe's sole can cause significant chaffing leading to foot inflammation. 

Moisturize Every Night Before Bed 

Moisturizing your feet keeps your skin healthy and gives you a chance to massage it every night. Self-massages can improve blood circulation that enables better sleep. An excellent moisturizing massage the night before can keep your feet swelling or hurting less the next day. Other than this, it also helps with keeping cracked heels at bay. 

Lower Sodium Intake

Salt is known to increase the chances of swollen red feet, so it is wise to opt for low-sodium foods. Restaurant takeout and pre-packaged goods can contain excessive amounts of sodium, among other preservatives, which are unhealthy for your body and feet. If you tend to munch on snacks throughout your office hours, try purchasing low sodium snacks or balancing out your savoury snacks with fresh fruits or even hummus! 

Flip Flops Might Be A Flop 

Flip flops can be incredibly comfortable, especially on a day at the beach. However, they are known to cause hammertoes, flattened arches, and various other conditions that you don't want to have. That being said, keep your flip-flop usage to a minimum to protect your feet. 

Visit A Podiatrist or a Chiropractor 

Lastly, if none of these methods works out for you, do not hesitate to visit a chiropractor or chiropractor. A podiatrist specializes in foot and ankle care, while a chiropractor focuses on muscles, ligaments, and bones that might need some adjustment. Your doctor can tell you if there is something wrong with your foot and prescribe treatment accordingly.