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10 General Tips For A Happier Mood

05 July 2022

1. See your friends

Research has continually demonstrated the correlation between happiness and socialising. A recent study used self reporting tools and audio recordings of social interactions to find that, the deeper the conversation, the more satisfying the social interaction was, and the happier the individual became. Superficial, short term social interactions did not yield the same positive effects. Therefore, seeing your friends and cultivating deeper connections is an important factor in general wellbeing.

2. Be part of a community or network

Feeling involved and part of something special can boost mood and morale. It can also be a good way to make friends. Become involved in a community event, such as a group or committee and you will feel more pride and sense of belonging, which evoke happy feelings.

3. Have a hobby - but not too many

Badminton? Chess? Football? Hiking? Art? Whatever you’re into, there will be a club or group for you. Go online and find a hobby you can do nearby. This is a great way of making friends too. If your hobby is active, it’ll also be a nice way to stay in shape - and we all know that exercise is a great way to boost those happy hormones!

4. Eat lots of veggies

Not all foods were created equal. Some foods are known to boost happy hormones and improve overall well being. Some of these foods are radishes, beetroot, avocado and fresh greens like broccoli and beans. You can find more mood boosting foods here. Try to incorporate these foods into your diet each day and try to cut out simple carbs (white rice, white pasta, bread) to deter any unwanted spikes in blood sugar (which can cause poorer mood).

5. Drink lots of water

Research has shown that drinking water can help to improve mood. Conversely, drinking caffeine and alcohol can have the opposite effect. Now, there’s some debate as to how much water we should be drinking. Some say pints and pints, others say it doesn’t need to be that much. What you can do, however, is be more conscious about your water intake and try to maximise this within your comfort levels. You’ll soon notice a difference to your outlook.

6. Make time for personal, quiet space

Me time is important. You can unwind, destress, reflect on any problems you have and really enjoy time alone. Not enough people get time to unwind and this can cause mounting stress and conflicts. Have a bath, read a book, watch a film or go for a walk and you will soon feel much better.

7. Plan something to look forward to

When your life is filled with responsibilities and commitments, it can be nice to have something to look forward to. Book a trip, whether it’s abroad or just at the local campsite, and make lots of lovely plans surrounding it. Pop this trip or event into a calendar and look at it regularly. Having something to look forward to can deter any negative feelings about the present day.

8. Make your body more comfortable

Wearing tight clothes, high heels or sitting in an uncomfortable chair all day can lend to a poorer mood. Many people are surprised at how quickly their mood lifts as soon as they become comfortable again. Wear clothes that fit and are suited to the weather. Sit in an ergonomic chair that supports your posture, and try to remain cosy and relaxed during longer spells during the day.

9. Write down your worries

Worries can soon turn into big fat fears that you can’t get rid of. As soon as you experience a worry about something, no matter how small, write it down in a ‘worry journal’. As soon as you have written it down, you will feel a bit lighter. You can read back through your worry journal and cross off the worries that no longer exist (this is really quite satisfying). Or, you can write down possible solutions to each worry.

10. Invest in better health

Sometimes, we have to make an investment to improve our wellbeing. Whether this be splashing out on a holiday, putting effort into a qualification to achieve a career change, or creating the perfect home office to enhance your career. Making an investment can help you to achieve much more in a shorter time period. Flexispot want to help.


Flexispot wants you to be a bit happier, and we can help you to achieve that. We sell ergonomic furniture that will enhance your comfort levels at home. Investing in our furniture will mean more comfortable day to day living, and a much happier mood as a result. Pick up the phone and talk to us today about furniture that might help you become more comfortable at home. You can get in touch with us via the website.