Rise Above Back Pain with the Spinal Health Benefits of Standing Desks

14 September 2023

Do you spend hours on end sitting at a desk? If so, you'd most likely have suffered from back pain and other general soreness. For many people, standing desks are the perfect solution as they reduce pressure on your spine along with other health benefits.

But exactly how do standing desks care for your spinal health and are they the right solution for you? That's what we're going to look at here. Read on to find out more!

Why is Sitting Bad For Your Spinal Health?

One of the reasons sitting for long periods can cause spinal health issues is that this position puts more pressure on the discs between the vertebrae. These discs act as cushions for the spinal nerves, and when your spine is bent, they come together, pressing on the nerves and causing back pain.

Sitting for a long time also causes muscle stiffness across the entire back, leading to a soreness that aggravates the pain near the spinal nerves. Add a poor posture to the mixture, and you have a recipe for chronic back pain. Slouching at a desk for hours stretches out the spinal ligaments, further pushing on parts of the spine.

Sitting for extended periods means you're not moving your hamstring and abdominal muscles either. When these are out of practice, they become stiff and short, much shorter than they need to be to support the balance in your muscle symmetry.

With shorter abdominal muscles, your back muscles need to work overtime to compensate for the imbalance. This can easily lead to muscle and even spinal injuries.

When you're slouching, you lower your head, changing your spinal curvature. Sitting in this position day after day or even performing passive tasks places even more pressure on the muscles and joints in your neck and back, exposing you to an assortment of health issues, including spine misalignment, disc degeneration, and pinched nerves.

How Can Standing Desks Help

Just because you must be on your computer for the entire workday, it doesn't mean you have to be uncomfortable. Standing desks help you remain just as productive (if not more!) during the day. If you have a slouching habit, you can adjust your desk to a comfortable height, so you won't have to bend over.

Your entire posture will improve straight away, and not just during work hours. You might also notice your back pain going away because your spine is now in its natural position and isn't under pressure for long hours.

Many people find it easier to focus when working at a standing desk. With better concentration, you'll be more productive, have more creative ideas and better critical thinking skills. Plus, you'll be moving more as you navigate your supplies and equipment, so you'll also burn more calories. You'll be much fitter than you were while sitting.

One of the most notable advantages of a standing desk is its adjustability. All you need to do is ensure your monitor and keyboard are set up in the correct position and customise the desk height to ensure proper posture and spine alignment.

People with vascular problems, who are usually advised to move more frequently, might also benefit from standing desks. Movement brings down poor-circulation-induced swelling in the legs. Reduced swelling in the lower limbs relieves pressure from them and with it, your entire nervous system.

Start Slowly

If you're using a screen for 8-10 hours a day, it can be a great idea to have the option to choose between sitting and standing. This is why getting a desk with greater adjustability is a good investment. You can start slowly standing as long as you can, and when you get tired, lower the desk and sit down.

It's equally critical not to put too much pressure on your feet. They'll get tired easily if you aren't used to standing, which can also lead to back pain. Wear supportive shoes or stand on anti-fatigue mats to avoid this.

Remember, one of the key benefits of standing desks is that they encourage you to move more. So, take advantage of this and walk around when you feel your feet getting tired. Or, do a few stretching exercises if you can't leave your desk. They'll do wonders in relieving muscle soreness in the back and stiffness in the spine area.

Standing desks can take a little getting used to but the wide range of benefits are clear. An adjustable standing desk can give you the best of both worlds and ensure that no one part of your body is going to suffer from any soreness.

Final Thoughts

Standing desks have numerous benefits for your spinal health. They help alleviate the pressure on the vertebral disk and strengthen the back muscles, allowing them to support your spine. They won't make you slouch or hold your entire back in an unnatural position.

They're adjustable to different height preferences and help you burn calories. However, when switching to a standing desk from a sitting one, be careful, go slowly, take breaks and wear comfortable shoes, as they'll be under more pressure.

Once you make the switch to a standing desk, you'll never go back. Not only will you no longer be in pain, but you’re likely to be more productive too!