How to Improve Your Cardio

20 January 2022

When it comes to determining which sort of exercise is most effective for fat loss, you must first choose your desired lean body type. If you train like a distance runner, you'll develop a distance runner's body: minimally muscular, very thin from miles clocked at slower speeds. If you work out like a sprinter, concentrating on short, high-intensity exercises, you'll get the physique of a sprinter, complete with muscle gain and fat reduction. Increased intensity results in increased calorie burn. That is why high-intensity interval training is an excellent method for shredding fat while maintaining or even adding muscle.

Using Machines

Elliptical machines were initially meant to be gentle on the knees and hips while still providing excellent exercise. Due to the minimal impact, the calorie-burning effect is not as strong as with other cardio machines. The elliptical machine, on the other hand, may be a fantastic way to burn calories without straining your joints. While the typical person will burn around 500–600 calories per hour if they exercise at a moderate pace, you may maximize your calorie burn by varying the intensity, speed, and resistance.

The most effective way to burn fat on an elliptical is to use a steep slope to effectively work your leg muscles, particularly your glutes. This action may be used to replicate stair climbing without the risk of injury. Alternatively, you may decrease the inclination and increase the resistance for a skiing-like exercise that really works your quadriceps. One thing to remember is not to grip the handles or rails too firmly, since this will restrict your effort and may result in shoulder or wrist discomfort.

Jumping Ropes

There is a reason why the jump rope is such an integral part of a boxer's training program. It's inexpensive, simple to execute, improves foot speed, and burns a significant number of calories. Consider the jump rope skills of your favorite boxers, wrestlers, and fighters. Not only can jumping rope improve your footing, shoulder stability, and balance, but it also resembles running, helping you burn up to 500 calories in only 30 minutes.

While very few individuals can jump rope continuously for 30 minutes, it is advisable to alternate between rapid and slow leaps to keep your heart rate up. Are you unable to do the task competently? For one minute, jump as quickly as possible, then rest for 20–30 seconds. Repeat until you are finished. If you're a regular traveler, including a jump rope in your bag allows you to get fantastic exercise without ever leaving your hotel room.

Lower Intensity Cardio

Swimming is a total-body exercise that begins the moment you take your first breath. Because you are effectively battling gravity, your muscles are working overtime to keep you afloat without rest until you exit the water. Indeed, one minute of rapid swimming burns 14 calories. Bear in mind that the kind of stroke matters. Because the breast stroke burns fewer calories than the butterfly, it's important to vary your strokes throughout your workout.

Simply treading water is a simple method to burn calories in the water. You may swim a few laps followed by a water-treading period. If you can swim well, swim as quickly as you can for as long as possible. If you are not an exceptional swimmer, do swimming intervals. Swim the length of the pool and back as quickly as possible, then slowly for the same distance. Alternate between these intervals throughout your exercise.

Going All Out

Sprinting outdoors, on a treadmill, or even up stairs or bleachers is an excellent way to burn the most calories in the shortest period of time. No special equipment is required, and these exercises may be performed almost anywhere. Sprinting is a basic exercise that burns a lot of calories. When it comes to losing weight, this is the first thing that comes to mind. While running or jogging at a steady pace burns lots of calories, increasing your speed and intensity will provide the most benefits.

If you're outdoors and on a track, try sprinting for one lap and then jogging for another. Continue doing this for as long as possible. If you're on a treadmill, sprint for 20–30 seconds before slowing the belt and jogging for about a minute before repeating. At a stadium or at the top of a flight of stairs? Run to the summit as quickly as possible, then jog or stroll down. Running down stairs or bleachers is never a smart idea, so save the downhill section for active rest times. Lift those knees very high to engage your glutes and quickly develop sprinter power.