How to Prevent Weight Gain

21 June 2021

Many people are getting overweight these days due to changing lifestyles and kinds of food readily available at any time. As such, it is reported in an online article that in the United States, 36.5 percent of adults are obese and 32.5 percent of American adults are overweight. With this, more than two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese.

With the prevalence of such conditions, I think it is better to know some tips on how to prevent them although I know most of us are already aware of what to do with our body when we are overweight or having excess fat. These are just reminders in case you forgot all about it or just let that problem pass as it is tolerable and you still feel comfortable with your body.

Well, it is fine when your body still functions well and you can still do whatever you wish to do unless you feel something that is not right with your body. There are causes for inconvenience and discomfort that we feel when our body has excess fat such as shortness of breath, inability or difficulty to move as you feel that your weight prevents you from moving quicker, and other irregular things that you may experience with your body.

According to Dr. R. Palma in his book, “The Secrets of Health, Youth, and Longevity,’ those individuals who are overweight complaint about:

  • Sleepiness
  • Backache
  • Shoulder ache
  • Painful knees and feet especially the heels
  • Arthritis
  • Varicose veins
  • Hernia
  • Cholelithiasis (gall bladder stones in the right upper abdomen below the ribs
  • Irritation of the skin that are in contact with each other, that is, skin to skin contact
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Early appearance of diabetes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Easy exhaustion
  • Feeling difficulty when lying flat on a bed
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Infertility
  • Thrombo-embolism

Where most of these complaints are also your complaints you’d better shape up and do some health regimen to avoid further complications. And I think those symptoms or complaints that are similar to yours will be reduced if you also become leaner and lessen your excess body fats. These are some reminders culled from Dr. Palma’s book:

  • Reduce the total volume of your food intake

For example, for breakfast, you may have two slices of American bread, one cup of coffee (depends on your beverage preference) with a little amount of skimmed milk and honey to sweeten; or one tablespoon of skimmed milk in a cup of water adding honey to sweeten

For lunch, bread, fish, or vegetables. If you feel hungry between lunch and supper, take one slice of bread without any spread or additional food and a glass of water. You may feel weak at the start, and once you feel such, lie down and wait for the regular mealtime and then, later on, will get adjusted

For supper: one cup of mashed potato, fish, and vegetables. If you feel hungry at midnight, take one slice of bread and a glass of water

  • Do not take alcohol and soft drinks as they contain additional calories
  • Shun animal fats in any form
  • Weigh yourself daily and make a record to see your progress. If there is no change in your weight within three to four days, reduce the amount of food that you take 

A weight loss of one to two pounds a week is good enough but for those who are already obese, they should lose three to four pounds a week at the start of their weight reduction goal.

  • Chew your food slowly. The longer the food stays in your mouth the more it will satisfy your taste buds and sense of smell, thus, the lesser you will eat.
  • Eat leisurely. You will satisfy your emotional need if you eat that way. Do not gobble food for this can leave an emotional gap that will trigger the urge for more food.
  • Drink plenty of water. Two glasses of water for the main meals and half glass every hour is good enough

Aside from these reminders, I think you know that regular exercise makes a difference in your weight reduction program. Daily exercises for 15 to 30 minutes will do wonders for your body and thus prevent you from weight-related illnesses.

There are different exercises that you can do to lessen or eliminate excess body fat such as; brisk walking or just walking, pilates, swimming, jogging, running, weight training, yoga, and cycling.

These exercises coupled with eating the right amount of food with fruits and vegetables will be a sure-fire solution for weight reduction. There are also findings that avoiding stress and anxiety will help you to be in great shape again. Be more positive in the way of handling problems and challenges in life so that you will achieve your ideal weight and also a sound mind.

If you are an employee or a freelancer, you can find time to do your exercises at home or even in your place of work. As these days do not allow us to frequently commute due to the pandemic, and we cannot go to the gym regularly, there are fitness machines and you can purchase to achieve your weight reduction goal.

Try to visit the FlexiSpot website wherein you can find some fitness equipment and machines that will cater to your body’s needs and weight reduction program. This company is famous for manufacturing home office furniture that supports physical and mental wellbeing. 

One great product is the Under Desk Bike V9U  that offers smart features for you. It is compact and handy so that you can bring it to your office so that you won’t miss your exercise by cycling. It does not need installation as it is already assembled right out of the box. This under desk bike has great mobility that you could place under your desk when not in use.

Another smart feature is its height-adjustable seat which is user-friendly with the pneumatic adjustment level that moves the seat up or down with gentle press while you cycle-no pins or knobs to adjust. 

With this fantastic product, it is a win-win solution for your weight reduction program as well as achieving your high productivity.