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How to Revolutionise Your Home Office

24 June 2022

With the recent remote working revolution in the professional space, why do so many of us not have the home office to match?

When the pandemic hit and we were forced into using makeshift workspaces around our home, it took a bit of settling in. Some of us worked on the sofa, some of us worked in bed, some of us were even adventurous enough to work outside in a garden. As fun as that may have been at first, the efficiency of our work output was not optimised through these methods, and soon people realised that they needed a home office to put things back on track.

But there are home offices and home offices, and you want the latter. A space where efficiency and comfort blend to create an environment that is functionable, fashionable and productive, and all while reducing both your mental and physical stress. You can create one tailored to you, and here’s how you can do it.

Silence in the Library

Have you ever asked yourself why people go to the library to work and/or study? Probably not because it’s fairly obvious. Quietness breeds concentration. If you’re setting up your home office next to a path where people like to walk their dogs, or next to a neighbour who has a penchant for the trombone, it’s probably not the right place. Find somewhere quiet to launch your zen-like harmonious working. Now we can start building the spine of your perfect workspace.

A Spine-Tinglingly Good Home Office

The spine of your perfect home office consists of three things: the perfect chair, the perfect table, the perfect atmosphere. It’s simple, really. How do you find perfection in your home office? You get the perfect spine. But do not get fooled by the power of three, because the word perfect does not mean ‘really good’, it means perfect. Thankfully, perfection is out there for all of us, but for now, let’s start with the chair.

A Chair Fit for a… Successful Professional Remote Worker

There’s only one type of chair you want in your home office, and it contains the work ‘ergonomic’. That’s right, begone with you generic office chairs that hurt our backs and hips and shoulders and neck and back again. If we’re sitting down for 75% of our lives, and most of that is spent working, then why don’t we invest in ourselves and get the perfect chair built for the long haul? It’s not like we’re retiring fairly soon, anyway.

Given the extensive health benefits of ergonomic chairs, it’s really a no brainer. As this is our field of expertise, for the perfect home workspace we’d recommend the FlexiChair BackSupport Office Chair BS8. It emanates a sleek and professional aura all while reducing stress due to its design philosophy, built for purpose. You’ll feel like you’re snug on the sofa, but you’ll work like your life depends on it.

A Desk to Take You to the Heights You Seek

Here is where perfection comes in. A desk to fit your personality and work ethic is as important as the need for it to carry the weight of your setup. Perhaps even more important… But which is better: a desk that remains how it was when you bought it, or a desk that can be adjusted to your perfect working height?

With a height adjustable desk, like this beauty right here, you could be adjusted more thoroughly to your optimal working conditions. Even if you were in a particularly energetic mood, you could raise the desk and stand up to work! Any mood, any desire, any conditions that could boost your productivity can withstand a desk like this. The desk is the secret ingredient to a home office, and a height adjustable one is definitely the way to go.


Now you have the chair and the desk sorted out, it’s time to complete the spine with a perfect working atmosphere. Here is how you transform your home office into a zen-like workspace that says what you have to say, and radiates your energy!

We’re talking plants, photos, art, stylish pen pots, comfortable mouse mats, professional pegboards, even miniature figurines that watch you work, anything you want or need to create the atmosphere you’re looking for. It’s a liberty only remote workers can enjoy, so be yourself, it’s your room after all.

How Flexispot Can Help

If you want to learn more about our products and how they can help you bolster your now impressive home office, please speak to us and we’d be more than happy to help. Give us a call or visit our website and we guarantee we have everything you need for the best possible home office.