Does the idea of a bedtime routine sound like a chore to you? That’s likely because you’re not getting the benefits. A bedtime routine is one of the single best ways to improve the quality of your sleep and helps you feel more refreshed in the morning. The key, however, is to understand how to develop a good routine that works for you.
Good sleep is important for mental well-being. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night, and most need eight. Sleep aids in weight loss, reduces stress, and boosts memory. Most of us could benefit from a fixed bedtime routine, but the way we engage in it depends on our lifestyle.
Here are seven bedtime routine tips for adults who want to better coordinate their sleep habits.
1. Keep a consistent schedule.
We all have busy lives. Sometimes we get out of sync with our sleep schedule and feel like the day has got away from us. When your body has a routine, it keeps you on a healthy sleep schedule and you won’t feel you missed something important.
Create a set of cues that tell you when it’s time to retire for bed. If you’re a morning person, set your alarm for the same time every day and be sure to get up at this time. If you’re a night owl, resist the urge to sleep in late and try to go to bed within an hour of your usual bedtime.
2. Set down your phone or other electronic devices at least 15 minutes before bedtime.
Our devices give us instant access to everything we need. They keep us up-to-date. We’ve grown so accustomed to being connected 24/7 that we don’t even realise how much they affect our sleep. It’s time to break the cycle.
Turn off your phone at least 15 minutes before bedtime, and then keep it out of reach until morning. You may choose it outside of your bedroom overnight. You can also disable the “push” notifications on your devices, so they won’t have the bright light coming at you all night long. Shut down computers and tablets. If you need to entertain yourself before bed, read a book or magazine, or play a game that doesn’t rely on interaction with your device.
3. Exercise during the day instead of before bedtime.
Exercise has a calming effect, alleviates physical and mental stress, and helps you fall asleep faster - as long as you don't still have adrenaline coursing through your body just before bedtime! Physical activity decreases anxiety and increases the production of serotonin.
Exercising in the morning may mean a longer workout routine or an early workout, but it will help. You need a good night’s sleep to be at your best during the day. You’ll also need a good rest to be able to use your body the way it should be used.

4. Make your bedroom the centre of your life.
It may seem like a small thing, but it is one of the most important aspects of creating a good night-time routine. When you make your bedroom the focal point of your life, you begin thinking about what is going on in there at all times, so it becomes a key place for you and an essential part of your daily routine.
Make sure your bed is comfortable. Not too hard and not too soft. The key here is to identify your personal needs and preferences, then make adjustments accordingly. You may choose to invest in an adjustable bed frame so you can make sure you position your mattress as comfortably as possible.
Put anything you need in your bedroom, such as a nightstand, alarm clock, lamp, all within reach of the bed. They’ll make it easier for you to comfort yourself at night without getting up to turn off the lights or switch off an alarm.
5. Make sure your bedroom is dark when you go to bed.
Too much artificial lighting can mess with your body's circadian rhythm, which can make it difficult for you to fall asleep at night. Darken your room by turning off all lights and powering down TVs. Consider using blackout shades or window treatments that block out light for maximum effect.
6. Make sure your bedroom is at an optimum temperature before you go to sleep.
The optimum temperature for most sleepers tends to be below room temperature. If it’s slightly too cool or too warm, you may still be able to get a good night’s sleep for a few nights in a row. However, if you notice that the room temperature is getting out of hand at night, try to install ceiling fans, portable fans, and heating lamps to adjust the temperature in your bedroom to an optimum level.

7. If you have trouble sleeping at night, don’t fight it; be positive and patient with yourself.
If you’re experiencing sleeping troubles, don’t worry. You can still get good sleep if you follow these tips, but it may take a little time to get there. Don’t stress yourself out with trying to force yourself to sleep when you aren’t tired. If you’re having problems with this, be patient and realise that your body might need some time to adjust to your new sleeping schedule. Go back to the basics and start working towards developing a good bedtime routine.
By following these seven tips for adults, anyone can develop the ability and patience needed to create a strong sleep schedule that will leave them feeling recharged every morning.