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A Guide to Post-Pandemic Distress for Elders

10 June 2021

Through the years, pandemics have altered our way of living.

Everyone has endured the lasting effects of one, but the elderly felt the most impact. The reasoning behind this is their immune system is not as strong as before. As a result, their bodies are not as agile as they used to be. Therefore, the scientists must take into great care and consideration that the elders can handle the vaccines they must produce.

Fortunately, scientists have already concocted a vaccine that any age range can tolerate. With that in mind, vaccinations are rolling in every state. In turn, the affected masses are quickly decreasing, and the outbreak has been eradicated in most nations, bringing us one step closer to resuming our routine.

Although many people are excited about this triumph and eager for the misery and anguish to cease, others struggle to believe that our everyday life is entering the game as the disaster comes to a close. The elderly are thankful that they made it out of the pandemic in one piece. Still, even if vaccines are available, rather than experiencing enthusiasm and optimism, they may become trapped in a mentality that has shrouded our perception since the pandemic began.

This state of mind refers to "post-pandemic distress."

This type of distress causes the stress of dealing with the possibility of reclaiming our pre-pandemic norm. It may be the distrust with new vaccines that are triggering their anxiety. It could be the fact that even with a complete set of vaccines, the elderly are scared to compromise their health by going outside. Finally, they could still be hurting over the knowledge that some of their friends and family are no longer in this world.

These thoughts can seem straightforward to resolve, but you must understand that the elders' lives are coming close to the end. That is why they can have the chaos of overwhelming emotions that can make them think twice about post-pandemic normalcy. And while the turmoil can be daunting for anyone, there are a few ways to ease the stress as the world progresses to a new normal.

1. Teach elders to develop faith in you.

They may be adamant about staying indoors even if they need to get vaccinated. These hesitations are entirely valid. However, the very same uncertainties are what stops them from living their lives to the fullest. It is up to us to help them realize that there's more to life than being scared. Help them see the bright side that we are nearing triumph and they are part of this historic phenomena. These hesitations are also a way for them to express their frustrations, making sense given how the world is today and will continue to change as we face the pandemic.

Instead of chastising the elders, teach them how to develop faith in you. Inform them of the exciting adventures that await them until they are able to step outside. Inform them of the exciting adventures that await them until they are able to step outside. You should remind them of the good times and how they need to live their lives to the fullest while they still have time. You can also remind them that researchers and healthcare professionals are doing everything possible to restore global safety.

Continue to be their support as we enter a new chapter during these modern times. Convincing the elderly is a lengthy task, but it is well worth the effort to help them see the world in a fresh appreciation.

2. Help them establish their pre-pandemic routine.

Establishing their pre-pandemic routine allows the elderly to concentrate their attention away from immediate problems and toward the assimilation that awaits them. Their pre-pandemic routine may give them a sense of meaning and anticipation during their social reintegration.

You can also add some new things that they can look forward to once they can get out of their house. It can be as simple as going to the grocery and mall to buy their necessities. You can also bring them to their favorite place to remind them of the younger years they used to have. Take them to their favorite restaurant and order their usual choice so they can get a taste of what they will miss if they keep their fears closer to their hearts.

They may be older than you but you can still encourage them that nothing would be lost once we get our normal lives back. Remember, there is more to life than being sitting in one corner, terrified of the negatives that can hinder them from seeing the great possibilities.

3. Spend time with elders.

We've been cooped up and lonely in our rooms, and as a result, most of us missed out on the wonders of the outside world. If the elders have difficulty going outside, why not help assist them in taking the first journey outside with you? This will ensure that they are aware of your presence in the ordeal. Although it may seem trivial and mundane, spending time with them is far more than a trip outside to get random grocery items. Spending time with the elders will help you bond together.
For example, develop a specific skill in which they are also interested. They can be your mentor as you learn from them. This would make them appreciate your effort as you try to bond with them through their favorite hobby. Not only will your relationship change, but you will also gain a new ability that they will teach you that could be advantageous or even soothing in the future.

Other than bonding, you can also help them doing their hardest chores as they enjoy the outside. It would be a great surprise as they come home to see that their faucet has been fixed or the toilet is not clogged anymore, thanks to your help.

It may seem hectic but being there for your elderly loved one as the world goes through an unusual phenomenon is a healthy way to keep your relationship from turning sour. The memories may fade away but you would always be remembered by their hearts as the one who helped them through this hard time.