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Developed A Bad Routine? Here Is How To Fix It!

05 July 2022

Developing a bad routine is normal, and it is nothing inherently wrong with it. Many people think that breaking out of your daily routines provides you with a chance to unlock and explore new ideas and become more creative personally and professionally. However, maintaining a proper routine keeps us safe from getting stuck into a series of bad habits that could easily throw our productivity out of whack. Here are the ways how you can break your bad habits and replace them with good ones to fix your routine.

A better routine is a way to stabilize your life

If you are one of those who think that depending on routines will make you boring, uncreative, and predictable, it's time to think again. Routines have been a weapon for creative people who have goals and want to achieve something in their life. There are hundreds of creative people, from writers to artists to songwriters to filmmakers, who have depended on a fixed and sturdy daily routine to expand their level of creativity. According to William James, one of the great philosophers, "habits and routines free our brains from making small decisions, and make us easily use and develop higher mental powers". When you don’t have a fixed routine, you will have to make a series of small decisions throughout the day, such as what to cook, what to eat, what to exercise, and what to do.

How to fix a bad routine?

If you are sick of the bad routine that you have developed over time, you must be wondering how you can fix it. To achieve your goals and become creative and productive, you need to set a new routine and stick to it in all conditions. Following routines can be challenging, but it makes you consistent and determined. To develop a good routine and replace your bad habits with good ones, here are the ways you can use them.

Decide what to add to your routine

If you are setting your routine after a long break, think again about your priorities and the things that make you happy. Know and understand what is important in your life and what needs to get done before everything else. Set your goals accordingly and break large goals into smaller ones. Start by changing one thing a day and appreciate yourself after accomplishing that.

Create a to-do list

A list where you can write your daily tasks help you structure your routine. Writing down your tasks and activities for the entire day makes it easier to perform them. This list will serve as a reminder and give you the satisfaction of being able to complete your tasks and tick them off the list. You can make your to-do list more precise by mentioning the time you want to complete your task. If you have enough time and room for the task, then simply write down the task without mentioning the time.

schedule your routine

scheduling is another way to make your routine strict. To make a schedule for your entire day, you need to figure out when you can fit your activities into your day. Set a time for each task and stick to that time. For example, if you want to wake up early in the morning, then schedule that time and set your alarm. At the start of this change, try to devote more time to each task than needed. For example, the task that can be done in 30 minutes, plan to assign 1 hour to that task. This will keep you from becoming stressed while following your routine schedule.

Follow the same routine for 3 weeks

To develop a new habit or replace a bad old habit takes almost 21 days. After scheduling your routine, make sure to consistently follow it every day for 3 weeks to make this routine your habit. If you find yourself skipping your routine for more than 2 days, then consider redesigning your routine. Remove the tasks or change the timings, or extend the timings for each task to make it easy for you to accomplish them every day. Once you start doing your daily tasks without looking at your schedule and without thinking, it means you have successfully developed a habit and fixed a routine.


The desire to become productive and creative depends on the work we do. So, it is important to create a routine in your personal life to simplify and stabilize your life. In that way, you will have to deal with less stress and fewer complications in your life without missing something, ignoring your relationships, or neglecting your priorities. Moreover, follow these ways to fix your routine in your personal life if you have unintentionally developed a bad routine.