8 Steps To A More Relaxed And Productive Workplace

27 October 2021

Happy employees are much more efficient, healthier, have fewer illnesses, have fewer work-related problems, and are more likely to remain in the organization. As a result, making employees happy could pay you handsomely. Employees fundamentally want to feel as if they are significant to the company. They want to be recognized for their efforts. They want to feel that their efforts are making a difference and moving closer to achieving a common objective.

Happy employees are:

  • Dedicated
  • Loyal
  • More efficient
  • More successful

Employees who feel respected, productive, and in charge of their own set targets work in the best of workplaces. Most employees would happily prosper in a job where they feel adequately cared for.

According to research, workers are 13 percent more productive when they have a reason to smile at work. As a leader, finding ways for individuals to enjoy — rather than just tolerate — work is a necessity that can easily be ignored in the day-to-day operations of a company, especially when survival mode is in effect. Taking the time to ensure that your employees are happy and satisfied will go a long way. Furthermore, the benefits are essential to organizations. Here are a few practical and straightforward ways to keep your workers happy and productive!



How often their extra effort is appreciated is among the essential factors which contribute to employees' motivation. High commendation from managers, according to 70% of employees, would significantly improve motivation and confidence.

Admittedly, why would an individual continue to be a high-performing employee if they put so much work into a project and produce excellent outcomes, but their efforts aren't acknowledged?

It is critical not just to recognize outstanding work but also to encourage others to do so. The way you acknowledge your team's efforts has a significant influence. Employee appreciation should be more than just a yearly bonus at the end of each year; it should be relevant and offered frequently.


Promoting a flexible standard takes some guts, but the future requires it. Employees with flexible work hours have more influence on work/life balance. It's unreasonable to expect employees to perform better when they can't spend time with their families. Allowing workers to have flexible work schedules paired with regular breaks is critical for an excellent work-life balance.

Employees who can establish a good work-life balance and rejuvenate their minds as much as they need will begin to appreciate their work and contribute to its success.


This is arguably the most basic of instructions, and it is. Employees all want to be adequately compensated for the effort they put in. Fair pay is one method to keep employees content, specifically if they've taken on extra responsibilities or initiatives. Although money isn't everything, it can help keep employees motivated and loyal when times are rough.



Negative emotions have a role, and awkward conversations can lead to genuinely positive processes or cultural shifts. However, to establish a net positive workplace, it's critical to find ways to inject positive experiences into your team's relationships.

Positive thinking promotes positivity. Allowing negativity to dwell in the workplace is like allowing viruses to proliferate. Leaders must emphasize positivity, especially during stressful times. With a gratitude circle, team exercise, mindfulness, or other feel-good activities, let the team start their days off right. Recognize and reward strenuous labor efforts. Recognize your team's efforts and be proud of what they've accomplished.

Don't allow evaluation sessions to turn into conflict. Complaining is only practical to a certain extent. As a leader, attempt a positive sandwich to prevent the habit. One positive thing is presented first, followed by a critique, and then another positive. Your team will absorb it.


Giving your team room to advance within the business is a powerful motivation, mainly if the company is rapidly growing. The psychological aspect of feeling respected and valued for their work is crucial. Consider which of your employees would be a perfect fit for a managerial position if you were to open a second site. Consider developing someone who does an excellent job with inventories to assume vendor relations. When you provide your qualified people possibilities for advancement, their mindset flips from "it's just a side hustle" to "this might be a full-time career."



One of the wisest decisions a company could make is to invest in its employees' health. Employees must be in good health to be effective and be productive. Make employee wellness a priority in many ways to inspire them to take care of themselves and stay healthy and happy.

Ways to incorporate wellness into your workplace include:

  • Offer wellness discounts
  • Organize random self-care giveaways
  • Make fitness and wellness activities available
  • Space for a modest company gym would be beneficial.
  • Throw a healthy lunch and learn about wellness
  • Massage therapists or massage chairs or can be brought in
  • Provide and install ergonomic equipment such as height-adjustable standing desks, <standing desk convertersergonomic chairs, or under-desk bikes.

Take employee health and happiness seriously. Anyone who's been sick, whether for a short or long period, can vouch that their health significantly influences their satisfaction. Transparency also ensures that everyone is working with much the same facts. That would be advantageous to the team.


Worry and fear are bred by secrecy. Make sure your workforce is aware of what's happening. Even if the business is going through many adjustments and issues, now is the moment to be transparent. Be honest with yourself about what you expect of your team and what they can anticipate from you. Honesty is a quality that influential leaders exhibit, and it fosters trust in the organization and its leadership and management. Keep the employees satisfied by making them understand significant workplace improvements and the company's demands.

Trust is the base of all relations, including work connections. One of the best ways to boost confidence among you and your colleagues is to lean to openness and a workforce that trusts you will be more driven and motivated to work.



Kudos are due for good work. Make a point of thanking your management and leadership team regularly as well. A little gratitude makes a huge difference.

Simple ways to express gratitude to coworkers include:

  • Public recognition
  • Gift cards
  • Random PTO
  • Email shout-out
  • Handwritten thank you
  • Employee of the month parking spot

Whether it's acknowledging their accomplishments in a meeting, appreciating them privately, or honoring them in a company email, you must express your gratitude. Thank your teammates! Remember that the phrase "thank you" has always been free.

Final Thought

Happy employees are much more effective than those who are dissatisfied. Employees at a happy workplace are away less frequently, report fewer work-related injuries, and make fewer mistakes in their tasks since they enjoy being around. Because their employees are committed and engaged, businesses with satisfied employees and a great work culture generally save money.