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8 Good Reasons to Buy Standing Desks for Your Employees

18 October 2023

In recent years, standing desks have been steadily becoming a more popular fixture in office environments worldwide because they promote better health and increase productivity in equal measure. It is an excellent fit for many businesses looking for ways to help their employees become both more comfortable in their place of work and more productive at the same time.

Adjustable-height desks accomplish both of these aims and support the companies that utilise them to gain a better reputation amongst those looking for work in their sector. It is a tremendous reputational boost for an employer to say that they care about the comfort of their employees during the working day and actually mean it.

We have compiled eight good reasons why you should buy your employees standing desks, and our findings are below.

1. Standing desks promote better posture and reduce back pain

Many office workers complain about chronic back and neck pain due to prolonged sitting. Standing desks help to reduce this pain by promoting a better posture and engaging and strengthening the core muscles. The core muscles are primarily in the abdomen and play a significant part in creating stability and balance, with back pain mainly caused by the underdevelopment of these muscles.

2. They increase energy levels

Sitting in one position for long periods of time can cause dips in energy levels. Standing desks help to combat this by promoting better blood circulation around the body, and this, in turn, plays a major part in reducing lethargy levels. Better blood circulation has beneficial effects on the functioning of all bodily organs and can aid concentration.

3. Improve overall employee health

Sitting for long periods can cause serious health problems for employees, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Standing desks are the perfect answer to help reduce the risks associated with prolonged sitting and that is why there is such an upsurge in their popularity. A study produced in 2018 by Australia's Deakin University also found that standing desks could boost life expectancy.

4. Standing desks increase productivity

Standing desks have been found to increase productivity among employees. When employees stand, they tend to move around more, which keeps them energised and focused. Sitting all day can make it too easy to let focus and attention slip. By contrast, standing up can give your employees the chance to burn more energy and stay in a higher state of alertness than a relaxed, comfortable chair.

5. They can boost creativity

Standing desks have been found to increase creativity levels among employees. When employees are more physically engaged, they also tend to be more mentally engaged, and this can allow more creative thinkers to thrive. It is why many more creatively focused workplaces have unconventional layouts and activities that their creatives can partake in to stimulate their minds and bodies. For example, Google HQ in California has a volleyball court that employees can use anytime.

6. Reduces stress

Reducing stress levels among employees is another widely acknowledged benefit of standing desks. When standing, employees tend to be more physically active, which can help reduce stress levels. Stress is one of the silent killers in our society, so anything that can be done to help reduce this in the workplace is definitely to be welcomed. When it is something as simple as a height-adjustable desk, it is difficult not to acknowledge the sense of providing them to all employees.

7. Standing desks can be space savers

As well as making a statement internally to your employees, it will attract new talent to your company. It is like with some of the larger technology companies. Their company culture and how they treated their employees became a large part of the attraction to working for them. This can be the same with any business, even if they aren't on the scale of Google or Apple. Treating employees well and looking after their interests is passed on through word of mouth within an industry, every bit as much as negative experiences are.

8. Providing standing desks makes a statement

Providing standing desks for your employees shows you care about their health and well-being and are prepared to invest in them. It also shows that you can move with the times and are willing to embrace new ideas. Standing desks aren't exactly a new idea, but they are one that has taken some time to achieve the popularity that they deserve.

This is a relatively non-intrusive and inexpensive way to show that you care about the well-being of your employees. Offering gym passes or discounts can also reinforce this message further.

As well as making a statement internally to your employees, it will attract new talent to your company. It is like with some of the larger technology companies. Their company culture and how they treated their employees became a large part of the attraction to working for them. This can be the same with any business, even if they aren’t on the scale of Google or Apple. Treating employees well and looking after their interests is passed on through word of mouth within an industry, every bit as much as negative experiences are.