7 Bad Computer Positions You Should Avoid

28 October 2021

Muscle soreness and uneasiness are two factors that can make you feel tired, exhausted, and unproductive at work. As a result, poor computer posture can have a noteworthy influence on your health and productivity, which you will later regret.

You may be unaware that you have a posture that is detrimental to your health and productivity at times. 

In that regard, you should be aware of every single incorrect position you might adopt. Understanding the correct posture for sitting at a computer becomes quite simple if you are aware of this.

All of this leads us to two topics we would like to cover with you: the negative postures you should avoid, how to improve posture while sitting at a computer, and the ideal posture you should adopt. So, let us talk about them together.

The Most Common Posture Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The seven postural errors with terrible computer posture repercussions that you are making and will regret later are listed below. Please take a look at them so you can prevent them in the future.

Slouching and Poor Sitting Habits

1. Slouching and Poor Sitting Habits

At the computer, slouching is considered poor posture. When you do not use your core or abdominal muscles and slump your lower back when sitting, you are making the most common posture mistake.

Sitting at a computer with this improper posture or standing in this position for prolonged periods of time can cause significant lower back discomfort.

Herniated discs in the lower back can also be an issue in severe situations.

Pull your belly button towards your spine to sit straight and activate your core muscles to avoid such discomfort. Once you get into the habit of doing so, it will not be difficult.

2. Hunching Your Shoulders

When you sit at the computer with stooped shoulders, you are setting yourself up for lousy posture. 

On the other hand, hunched shoulders occur when your shoulders are rolled forward. This position causes an undesirable tilt in your head and neck by increasing the curvature of your upper spine. Furthermore, it reduces your lung capacity.

When attempting to rectify this position, keep in mind that you don't want to overcorrect by sticking out your chest and tummy. Concentrate on straightening your spine and giving your body maximum height while relaxing your shoulders.

Looking Down for a Long Period of Time

3. Looking Down for a Long Period of Time

Bending your next while using your keyboard for an extended amount of time while typing is poor computer posture. Because your head is heavy, putting it in a tilted position for ample time causes undue strain on your neck and upper back.

Hold your head high and parallel to the ground to prevent this posture. Instead of carrying your mobile gadgets around your waist, could you keep them in line with your eyes? If you are using a computer, adjust the height of your monitor so that it is in line with your vision.

To lift your monitor, you might use a monitor arm or some books. While adjusting your monitor, keep in mind how far away the monitors should be from your eyes. Using a standing desk, such as the FlexiSpot Comhar All-in-One Standing Desk Glass Top - 48" W can help prevent neck problems.

4. You Should Stand More Than You Should Sit

You believe that standing is beneficial to your productivity and health, but you are unaware that extended standing is just as harmful as prolonged sitting and that you should avoid it. 

Standing for ample time causes your circulatory system to struggle to move blood higher, and this causes blood to pool in your legs, causing muscle discomfort and exhaustion.

To avoid this, stand for shorter periods at regular intervals rather than standing for extended periods while working.

Working from Your Couch

5. Working from Your Couch

When you work at a computer for an extended time while sitting on a couch, you frequently sit in a terrible posture, which degrades your posture, causing you to stoop or hunch your back when you return to work in an office chair.

Working on a sofa as little as possible is preferable to working on an office chair and desk, which allows you to sit with a straight back and maintain good posture at work

6. Changing the Position of Your Feet 

If your feet are flat on the floor, you may assume you are sitting in the correct position. This is true to some extent, but it is insufficient in the grand scheme of things and can lead to poor computer posture. 

Foot placement is not an issue because you may use a chair footrest or a sitting posture corrector to correct it.

Focusing on your forearms is the greatest technique to modify the chair's height and achieve correct computer sitting posture. You are set to go if your forearms align with the height of your workstation and your arms make a 90-degree angle.

No Stretching During the Day

7. No Stretching During the Day

Finally, when working on a computer, it is critical to stretch throughout the day. You are often so enslaved to your workstation that you do not have time to stretch and move around. 

Your muscles will become sore, and your body will ache if you stay in one posture for an extended time, which gradually leads to a hunched-over computer posture.

Change your position frequently and stretch many times at regular intervals to improve your posture while sitting at a computer. Practicing this throughout the day can assist you in fixing your terrible computer posture.


In a sedentary job, bad posture is more common. To avoid this and to avoid causing harm to your body, make sure you follow the advice in this article.