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How to Avoid Burning Out in Demanding and Fast-Paced Jobs

08 April 2022

Regardless of the industry, many jobs are demanding, fast-paced, and very competitive. Meaning it is up to you to keep up and stay on top of your tasks.

Burnout is both a mental and physical battle we often experience. It sucks the life out of you and any sort of joy that came from your job. By constantly being in high-pressure environments and extreme stress situations, burnout is almost inevitable.

When you are burnt out, you find it difficult to handle everyday stresses and cope with the amount of work you have to get through. At this stage, every little task will feel like a lot.

Below, you can find the best ways to avoid burning out in demanding and fast-paced jobs.

What Are The Signs Of Burnout?

There are a number of signs that can indicate burnout. If you feel you are nearing burnout or that a family member is, familiarise yourself with the below and take action.


Exhaustion presents itself in many different shapes and forms. When you feel that your body is completely depleted and you can no longer carry on, that’s an example of complete exhaustion.

Symptoms of exhaustion can include headaches, nausea, abnormal sleeping patterns, and a change in appetite. Being aware of these symptoms is the first step to preventing burnout.


Oftentimes people with burnout tend to feel overwhelmed and under pressure very quickly and as a result, they may distance themselves from their friends and family.

Socializing with people you trust is the first step to avoiding burnout and feeling less isolated.


When a friend, colleague, or family member is on the brink of burnout, you may find that they are extra snappy with you or that they have a short fuse. Burnout can often cause people to lose their temper even with their closest friends.

When things don't go to plan and the papers on the desk just keep piling on, coping with normal stressors may appear to be impossible.

Taking note of how your co-workers, family members, and friends behave is an important step in ensuring they are not silently crying for help - because more often than not, they won't come asking for it.

Frequently Sick

Burnout, stress, lack of sleep, and anxiety can all take a toll on your immune system. Making you more susceptible to picking up the flu or catching a virus.

Additionally, burnout can also lead to depression and anxiety if it is not treated appropriately or caught in time.

Focusing on your health or taking note of others' habits is a good step in the right direction when it comes down to avoiding burnout or catching it just in time.

How To Avoid Burnout?

Although it may not be possible to avoid daily stress, it is possible to prevent burnout. Taking the time to understand and read the following steps may prevent your stresses from getting the best of you and taking over:

1) Exercise

If you aren't aware yet, morning exercise is great for both our mental and physical health. It aids in boosting our immune system and releases what we call, the ‘feel-good hormone which is important when having the day’s work ahead of you.

A short 10-15 minute workout is all you need to get these benefits and it will help make it easier for it to become a daily habit. Otherwise, a short walk or performing some stretches in between your break will work too. Just allow yourself to move.

2) Get Enough Sleep

There is nothing more important than sleep. Practicing good sleep hygiene is an essential part of looking after ourselves and making sure we work optimally the next day.

Getting yourself into an established bedtime routine, abiding caffeine, and smartphones just before you are about to fall asleep are all habits you can get into to help improve your overall sleep hygiene.

3) Maintain A Balanced Diet

When we are tired, feeling unhappy, or just downright stressed - the first thing we tend to do is neglect our health. We tend to reach for the ice cream rather than the broccoli and while that is alright now and then, what the body needs is some nutrient-dense foods.

Incorporating a healthy diet into your daily routine that is filled with omega-3 fatty acids can be a natural way of improving your mental state and mood. Your body needs the energy to fuel on and if it is only fed fast carbohydrates, your energy will crash as quickly as it spiked.

4) Ask For Help

It is important to reach out to a friend, family member, or colleague and ask for help. It may not always be the easiest conversation to have but having someone you can count on to express how you are feeling may allow you to breathe a little more and feel less alone.


Constantly being in a stressful environment often leads to burnout over time. Common symptoms of burnout are exhaustion, isolation, illness, and irritability. Exercising regularly, eating a nutritious and balanced diet, and sleeping well may all aid in avoiding extreme burnout.

Additionally, if you are concerned about a friend or family member - letting them know that you are available to chat or to listen may help validate their feelings and give them the support they need to make the stresses feel less overwhelming.

Making the effort to do things you find joy in is especially important when you are part of a high-demand, fast-paced company. Going for a walk, catching up with a friend for a coffee, or joining a yoga class are all simple steps you can take to stop stress from burning you out.