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How Can We Feel Valued at Work?

28 March 2022

Here’s an important fact. Undervalued workers feel unwanted and end up losing morale in their work. Conversely, employees who feel valued and needed, have a stronger sense of self and are more connected to their jobs and careers.

Similarly, employees who lose interest in their job start to perform poorly and eventually leave their employers. Unfortunately, 40% of workers feel their efforts are never appreciated. This means that forty percent of workers underperform just because they feel undervalued.

What do we mean by needing to feel appreciated?

Sometimes, appreciation is a goodwill gesture. This might be something like:

  • Giving an employee the day off
  • Inviting an employee to take part in a recruitment drive
  • Giving ergonomic furniture to your employees.
  • Introducing a bonus scheme
  • Telling a worker when they’ve done something well
  • Monetary rewards

Unfortunately, under-appreciation can be hard to spot. It can creep up on teams and is only addressed when left too late. Here, we look at signs of undervaluing employees and how we can feel valued at work.

Signs of an Undervalued Employee

A loss of interest in the job

Loss of interest in an aspect of a job is the first indicator that the employee feels undervalued. Employees who feel unappreciated may begin to withdraw from office activities. They may withhold their contribution during a brainstorming meeting, excuse themselves early, or even fail to attend an important meeting.

If you are an employee, you may start feeling less concerned about the success of your team’s project. In some cases, you could have valuable insights into the project, but since you feel your contribution is never appreciated, you end up withdrawing the input. You may also feel less obligated to serve customers to their satisfaction.

Resisting Change

Undervalued employees always resist change, regardless of the impact of the proposed changes. After losing interest in the project, the employees view the changes as a burden and not an improvement. If the loss of interest is not solved, it can balloon into disparaging behaviour that could stall the project.

Reduced Productivity 

Employee concentration enhances productivity and efficiency. However, if the employees lose interest in what they do, they waste time and resources, which reduces their productivity. Employees who feel undervalued increase the cost of production and affect your company’s reputation.

High Turnover

Unless employers learn how to make workers feel valued, they will always have to deal with high turnover. Unsatisfied workers move from one job to another as they look for a place where their efforts are valued. Some of the main industries that experience high turnover are hospitality, healthcare, finance and technology. Some of the main job roles that experience more turnover than others are nursing, childcare work, retail, sales and food services. Combating high turnover starts with appreciating your employees and ensuring they feel valued in their positions.

What Does Being Valued Mean? 

Being valued means your efforts and contribution to the overall objectives of the organization are recognized. It means that your effort, feedback, and proposals are included in the project, and the management attributes some of the company's success to you. Being valued would also mean the company is concerned about your overall wellbeing and provides sick leave, medical insurance, and support when in need.

You also realize you are valued when your employer constantly improves your working conditions to enhance your comfort and reduce the risk of health hazards.

Workers who spend most of their working time in the office also feel valued when their employers provide resources and equipment that makes life easier. This might be ergonomic furniture and other office equipment. Some examples of this are:

  • Having the right office chair and desk to make long office hours bearable.
  • Having an ergonomic keyboard to reduce the risk of repetitive stress injuries.
  • Having proper lighting in the office so that employees don’t need to strain their eyes to see.
  • Enjoying a standing desk or exercise chair to keep fit in the office during heavy work periods.
  • Having the right desk accessories to properly organise stationery and paperwork.
  • Having wire organisers so that employees are less likely to trip on wires.
  • Giving enhanced seating to pregnant employees.
  • Giving foot cushions to workers who complain of fatigue.
  • Regularly assessing the needs and risks of employees to ensure that they are comfortable and supported.

Invest in Ergonomic Furniture Today

You can show appreciation to your workers by providing them with the right office furniture and supplies. At FlexiSpot, you can get an ergonomic office chair and desk, or a standing desk and active seating office chair for workers who want to incorporate some exercises into their official duties. Explore our range of office furniture today to get started.