The Future of the Working Environment

22 March 2023

Covid-19 introduced the world to a working system almost unknown to the corporate world, remote working. And it is no exaggeration to say that remote working can be the future of the working environment.

While a small percentage of employees worked from home, most companies operated from office locations. However, the coronavirus outbreak left no choice but to opt for a work-from-home approach. Most organizations went back to their offices in 2022. Yet, many employees still work remotely, and those numbers are expected to increase.

Let's take a closer look at the future of the working environment, and the role that remote working is going to play. Let's get started!

Why is the Future of the Working Environment Remote?

Remote work has proved much more fruitful for recruiters and employers than many were expecting. Instead of being distracted by home commitments, workers were much less distracted than they were in an office.

There are many other reasons why remote working is seen as the future of the working environment. Here we'll check out those factors in more detail.

1. Better Productivity

Contrary to popular belief, remote work has been more productive than working in the office. Initially, many employers thought that employees might not give their best working from home.

However, remote working throughout the Covid-19 pandemic proved them wrong. Stats show that employees were 47% more productive than their work in the office. It's a wonder why some companies are still so reluctant to let their employees work from home!

2. Fewer Distractions and Better Focus

Besides improved work, employers observed that workers procrastinated less and spent less time being unproductive. A report by Owl Labs showed that employees working from home spent ten minutes less unproductive every day.

It led to improved overall productivity and less waste of time. Workers mentioned that office politics distracts their workflow compared to remote work. It seems that employers underestimate just how distracting a bustling office can be.

This lack of distraction can lead to a much better level of focus. It's much easier to concentrate on your work if you know you're not going to get distracted every five minutes.

3. No Commute Involved

Many people around the world travel hours to reach their offices and back. Remote employees do not have to worry about commute problems and save time travelling. Thus, they offer better overall performance in comparison with office workers.

Even if you only spend around one hour a day travelling to work, that adds up to around ten full days of travel over the course of a year. Not only does working from home help productivity, but it also allows employees to be less stressed, spend less, and help the environment too!

4. Comfort

Offices provide a more systemic approach regarding the working environment. Yet, a huge chunk of employees do not enjoy it and prefer working from the comfort of their homes. When employees are provided with the working environment of their choice, they produce better results.

You can enjoy working from the comforts of your own ergonomic chair and height adjustable desk rather than suffering in the same old office furniture that hasn't been updated for many years.

You also have the option to customize your space, such as using a standing desk. This is a level of personalization that often isn't allowed in classic office space.

6. Better Response

People working from home tend to be more interested and responsive in important meetings than at the office. It is a common perception among office employees that higher management often requests unneeded meetings that disturb their schedule.

Yet, they believe online meetings and discussions are called only when required. It saves their time, and they do not have to attend multiple meetings daily. Employers get better responses, and input from employees is more meaningful.

7. Less Multi-Tasking Expectations

How often is it that your coworker comes to you with a document they need your help with? If you have worked in an office setting, this is nothing out-of-the-blue. However, you do not have to worry about it at home.

You can complete your work without such disturbances. Even if your coworker sends you something, you can take your time to do it after your tasks. Being free from all these distractions enables you to perform better when working from home.

8. Mental Health Prioritization

When we say that the future of the working environment is working from home, it is not just because of fewer distractions. Working remotely allows employees to take shorter or longer breaks as per their choice.

In an office, you often can only take breaks at specific times and for a set period. Employees working from home may take lesser but longer breaks or shorter breaks numerous times a day. It provides them with the relaxation to be at their creative and productive best.

Final Thoughts

Working from home is the future of the working environment as it boosts productivity and employees waste less time. They may also complete their work post-office hours, given the flexibility.

Many big organizations have moved towards remote work. That number is only expected to increase as companies not only see the value of home working, but also employees demand more remote opportunities.