When it comes to health, a lot of emphasis is put on staying active. And while it's absolutely true that exercise is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, rest is sometimes equally important.
A whopping 74% of people in the UK have felt so stressed that it's overwhelming, so it's clear something must be done about the nation's stress epidemic. One thing that's often overlooked but seriously underrated in the pursuit of better mental health is relaxation.
While we focus on being productive, making money, and working hard, sometimes the best we can do for our long-term goals is actually to rest up. So without further ado, here's your ultimate guide to having a chill day. You can thank us later.
1. Get Comfy
The number one thing to do on a relaxation day is prioritise comfort. That means no uncomfortable shoes that are worn for fashion only and no hard, uncomfortable furniture.
One of the best ways to reduce stress is to create a space in your home where you can truly relax and feel comfortable. Investing in a recliner chair allows you to lie back and relax when you need to rest without having to get into bed. Combine a recliner chair with other furniture and accessories that create a tranquil mood, such as lamps with warm lighting, candles, and fluffy cushions.
2. Eat Things That Bring Comfort
Eating healthy food is incredibly important for long-term health. But just because something is healthy, it doesn't have to be boring. There are plenty of ways you can make one of your comforting classics healthy, so you can indulge guilt-free.
Take the British classic sausages and mash, for example. By opting for low-fat sausages, using low-fat butter on the mash, and pairing the dish with a generous helping of greens, you can make this comforting classic healthier. It's totally okay to treat yourself to sweet stuff, too. While eating a chocolate bar every day isn't recommended, having something you love once in a while is absolutely fine for your health.
Everything in moderation, as they say!
3. Indulge in Some Nostalgia
Nostalgia is a great way of engaging with your past self while recreating happy memories. Watching movies or TV shows or listening to music from your younger years can help you reconnect with your inner child, which is a surefire way to heal negative feelings.
So the next time you need a relaxation-filled day, go back to an old favourite you loved in your childhood. The act of reconnecting with younger you is sure to make you feel more relaxed.
4. Practice Gratitude
While having goals for the future is a must, it can sometimes distract us from being happy with what we have in the here and now. One way to feel more positive is to express gratitude for the people and things you already have in your life.
Keep a gratitude journal and try and think of three events, people, or things in your life that you're grateful for every day. You'll soon start to take much more notice of the things that make you happy and the things you're lucky to have.
5. Do Light Exercise
Even on a chill day, you can benefit from some light, low-impact exercise. Yoga and pilates are examples of types of exercise that can be relaxing and great for mental health without being too hard on the body. There are plenty of YouTube yoga guides you can follow without having to attend a class.
Likewise, walking is a great way to boost health without over-exerting yourself. A walk in the fresh air is always a great idea, but if you'd rather watch your favourite movie or Netflix series while you walk, opt for a height-adjustable or standing desk. That way, you won't even have to leave your front room to get your steps in!
6. Go Easy on Yourself

While setting and achieving goals is obviously a good thing, there's a danger in holding yourself to too high standards. When we berate ourselves for every small thing we don't achieve or every day we choose to relax instead of being productive, we can actually make ourselves more stressed out in the long term.
When you start to have negative thoughts or feel guilty for not being as productive as you'd like, remember to look back on how far you've come and what you've achieved. Go easy on yourself and you'll find it much easier to decompress from stress.
So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or you've made way too many plans and need to go back to basics, follow our tips for the ultimate de-stress day. Because there's nothing selfish about reducing stress!