11 Ways to Improve Indigestion

08 February 2023

Your digestive system processes the meals you eat into the nutrients your body need. Your body may not absorb those vital nutrients if you disregard your intestinal health.

Your digestive health is directly affected by the things you eat and the way you spend your life. Taking care of your digestive system is important for your overall health and well-being.

Have no idea where to begin? Implementing the following techniques into your everyday routine will help things go more smoothly:

Ways To Improve Digestion

1. Avoid Fatty Foods. Constipation is an effect of having a diet high in fats since they slow down digestion. Experts advocate balancing fatty foods with high-fibre foods to keep things moving smoothly since obtaining some healthy fat in your diet is necessary.

2. Stay Hydrated. A healthy digestive system begins with regular water consumption. A thicker, softer faeces is easier to transit through the colon because fibre attracts water there.

3. Include Prebiotics And Probiotics In Your Diet. The probiotic bacteria and yeasts in your digestive system are identical to those you already have. They aid in maintaining health by neutralising the harmful effects of things like antibiotics and Stress. In addition to improving nutritional absorption, lactose digestion, immune system health, and potentially even IBS treatment, probiotics have other potential health benefits.

On a daily basis, consuming low-fat yoghurt or kefir, two excellent sources of probiotics is highly recommended. Prebiotics, like probiotics, can improve your gastrointestinal health. According to the study, prebiotics serves as fuel for probiotics, boosting the effectiveness of these supplements in promoting gut health. Bananas, oats, onions, and lentils are just a few of the many raw fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are rich in prebiotics.

4. Avoid caffeine, Smoking And Drinking Alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking cigarettes, or consuming excessive amounts of caffeinated beverages can all disrupt your digestive system's normal functioning and contribute to unpleasant symptoms like ulcers and heartburn.

5. Manage Stress.

When you're under a lot of pressure, mentally or emotionally, your digestive system may go into overdrive. Discover relaxing pursuits that you enjoy engaging in, and make them part of your routine.

6. Try the Low FODMAP Diet. A type of carbs called Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP) foods, might be challenging for some people to digest. The low FODMAP food can help people who suffer from IBS or who just experience symptoms like stomach cramping, gassiness, bloating, and diarrhoea. This temporary eating plan will help you figure out which foods are causing digestive issues so you can avoid them in the future. Consult a professional who specialises in this field to help you maintain a healthy diet while you choose which foods should be removed from your diet permanently.

7. Eat On Schedule. Maintaining a regular eating plan of nutritious meals and snacks can do wonders for your digestive health. Try to eat all of your meals and snacks at the table at roughly the same time every day.

8. Exercise Regularly. Constipation can be prevented by maintaining a regular workout routine that keeps the digestive tract active. Maintaining a healthy weight benefits the digestive system, and staying active can help you do that. Include time for physical activity each day of the week. In case you work for long hours in an office, consider using a standing desk for better health benefits. This is because the height adjustable desks offer a better way to work at the office or at home.

9. Eat A High-Fiber Diet.

Eating a diet high in fibre, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes, has been shown to benefit digestive health. You'll have less of a chance of getting constipated if you eat a high-fibre diet, and you'll also be less likely to develop or suffer from conditions like diverticulosis, haemorrhoids, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Furthermore, it can assist in pursuing or maintaining a healthy weight.

10. Get Both Insoluble And Soluble Fiber. Both types of fibre are beneficial to your digestive system but in different ways. Roughage, or insoluble fibre, is a type of fibre that the digestive system can't break down and is useful for increasing stool volume. Water is drawn in by the soluble fibre, which can help keep stools from being overly watery. Wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains are all excellent sources of insoluble fibre, whereas oat bran, seeds, nuts,  & legumes are good sources of soluble fibre.

11. Choose Lean Meats. Even though protein is important, fatty portions of meat can cause gastrointestinal distress and should be avoided. Choose lean cuts of meat, like pork loin and skinless chicken, and eat fewer ounces of meat every meal. Fill up on fibre-rich whole grains, fruits, and vegetables instead.


Apart from these methods, exercising is of great help. For instance, a height-adjustable desk from Flexispot is a great way to exercise. They help you in limiting your sedentary lifestyle and make you more active. Visiting Flexispot to buy your standing desk is highly recommended.